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All About

Filbert Croft Old-Time Scotch Collies

Our Farm

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Our farming adventure started in 2007 after retiring from the military and returning home. Coming from generations of farmers, it was an easy lifestyle to fit back into. 

It started with one tiny goat. Which led to five tiny chickens, and a goose, and another goat, and another goat, and another goat. 

Just so you know, goats and rabbits are more alike than you may realize. As a homeschooling family, teaching multiplication to our daughter became much easier, or at least there were many examples............

At that point it became clear that to accommodate our every expanding menagerie population it was time to move. 

Once moving to a larger property where our animals could roam (I.E. get out of their pastures) we quickly learned we weren't as fast or physically fit as we thought we were and began researching a good farm dog.

After four years of searching and comparing, we finally landed on the Old-Time Scotch Collie, and then another 3 years to get on a list to have the opportunity to buy one, which ended being Our Laddie, of Heritage lines by the Wards.

Now we own our very own farm where we run Katahdin sheep, raise chickens for show and eggs, pigs and chickens for meat, and even some of our original goat herd. With a llama, an alpaca, and a couple of horses on the side as well.

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After initially considering getting a rough collie for a farm dog, we were suddenly disappointed with the way the breed had gone, as now they are mostly bred for show and have completely left behind their hard-working roots. 

After discovering Old-time Scotch Collies, several years later we were finally able to acquire Our Laddie.


He turned out to be exactly what we wanted. He adapted to our lifestyle and needs easily and is everything we were looking for in a farm dog.


As Laddie approached seven years of age we started to realize that we simply couldn't imagine life without one of these wonderful dogs in our home. And after a few years of searching and scouring pedigrees, thanks to a stroke of luck, we brought home our second Scotch Collie Scarlet, a perfect match for Our Laddie. 

We hope to preserve these amazing dogs for years to come.

Our Scotch collie Story

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