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Filbert Croft

Old-Time Scotch Collies in NW Oregon

Meet our Old-Time Scotch Collies


Our love for the Scotch Collie breed started in 2014, and has only grown stronger since.  We currently are the proud owners of four of these wonderful dogs, Heritage Our Laddie & Sivyer Glen Bonnie Scarlet Ree, and two home-bred babies, Filbert Croft Mighty Magnus & Filbert Croft Nicnevan.

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Sivyer Glen Bonnie
Scarlet Ree


Filbert Croft
Mighty Magnus


Filbert Croft

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Heritage Our

Excellent Family


Biddable &

Easy to Train

Natural Herding


Why Consider a Scotch Collie ?

An OTSC is the same Scotch Collie that was so popular 100 years ago.  Some branches of this family have diverged in the past century either through selective breeding (Rough Collie) or crossing with other breeds (English Shepherd, Australian Shepherd), but some have remained more or less true to form, it is these remnant old type Scotch Collies that are referred to as OTSC.

Most of these dogs either are working farm dogs or have working farm dogs in their pedigree. Unlike some farm dogs that you may be familiar with though, OTSC will learn the rules and be content to lie around when there is nothing to do, they will not worry your stock unnecessarily, nor are they high strung.

Find out more on the official OTSC group website:

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