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05/21/2022 - Last Puppy Placed, Returning Home from France!

After several months of preparation work, packing, worrying, and vet appointments, Mei and the humans of Filbert Croft were finally off for our maiden voyage to France! Mei settled in quickly to the 4 hour car ride to the airport. If only the same could be said for the humans.

Finally we arrived at the airport, and after nearly 30 minutes of searching for parking, we were ready to start the arduous check in process for little Mei. We chose Air France for our transport, and though it was tedious, the Air France employees were all very kind and curteous and kept us informed about the check in process. Our main guide was even so kind as to ensure we had a chance to take Mei for one last walk and to ensure us he would stay with her throughout the transfer. He stopped us as we made our way onto the plane to assure us she had made it onto the aircraft and that she was doing very well.

This was the first international flight for the two travelers of Filbert Croft, such an experience for us it was. After some brief anxiety during takeoff. (who doesn't feel a little nervous when the plane is practically sideways?) we both settled in, enjoyed our meals and attempted to get some sleep. Our attempts were in vain, the nerves were too highly strung, but we thoroughly enjoyed watching Harry Potter while snacking on a freshly warmed croissant given as a late night snack. Soon we would catch out first glimpse of France.

Landing at CDG was smooth and easy. Barely even a bump. And after, we set off on the next leg of our adventure: navigating a foreign airport that is triple the size of your home airport.

It was a bit confusing, at first, we were told by a kind and well-meaning employee directions that ended up not being correct, for construction had completely blocked our path and and instead we had to double back past him and take a train to the terminal next door to pass through passport control. Other than a lengthy wait, passport control was a breeze, we collected our stamps and we were free to head off toward baggage claim.

Baggage claim was expansive and confusing, and for a moment we panicked, wondering, "Where do we collect our dog?!"

A few more harrowing steps and we found her though, waiting patiently in the oversized baggage waiting area, being doted on by a little local girl who had nicknamed her "Chico".

Our last step was to pass through customs. Once again our minds raced with questions.

"What would the process be like? Would the paperwork we had struggled so hard to get be enough? Would they deny her? What would happen if they did deny her?"

We walked right past with a nod from the customs agents. They barely even looked in our direction. And just like that we were squeezed through a tiny little automatic exit door and were shuffled into the meeting area where we were almost immediately greeted by family who had agreed to collect us.

A few hours later and Mei was safely with her new family, and has since settled in beautifully.

What good is a trip to France without making a journey to visit the city of lights, Paris? Guided by family, we were ushered to all of the best sights and smells via the local train and metro systems. What a feast for the senses Paris was, one visit simply isn't enough. Paris was in bloom with beautiful trailing flowers stretching across the magnificent architecture of the city, lovely weather dipping into the mid 70's for most of the day. After sampling some lovely, truly French coffee near the train station and later stopping for delicious crepes, we did some light shopping and returned to our family's home to get some well deserved sleep.

The next few day we spent hanging around with family, spending time playing games, eating family meals and exploring the tiny town they call home. What a beautiful little town.

Finally it was time to head home, and after passing through CDG, we had one final stop in London, where we got the chance to do some more shopping before finally stepping off to our final leg of our journey.

The flight home was harrowing, the air over Canada was rough and there were very few chances during the 10 hour flight to actually get up to stretch your legs or use the restroom. Reaching our home airport, it took over a half an hour to descend due to even more turbulence and several passengers, including one of our own, ended up getting a bit sick during the landing.

Passing through homeland security was the last step, and arguablly took the longest, even going so far as to having to declare everything we purchased abroad as well as any food we brought with us, even food we had taken from home. We also drew the unlucky straw and were chosen for a random bag check that delayed us even further. But finally we were free and the only thing left was the 4 hour drive home. What an adventure to be sure.

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